A Connecticut
Home Inspection Company
Since 2003
Have it inspected because you don't know what you're missing!
Supplemental Services
Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
Commonly called a termite inspection, a wood destroying insect inspection is a vital part of any home inspection. Insects can cause serious damage to a home, costing homeowners thousands of dollars to repair.
Homeowners might not be aware that these insects are in their homes. Wood destroying insects include subterranean termites, carpenter ants and certain powder post beetles, etc.
Many banks and lending institutions will require a WDI inspection prior to approving a mortgage or closing on a home.​
A local pest control contractor will perform a wood destroying insect (WDI) inspection to determine if any of these insects are present in your new home.
You can make your home less attractive to these wood destroying insects. Here are just a few ways to protect your home:
Keep gutters and downspouts in good condition and free of debris. Use splash blocks, downspout extension or other devices to keep water away from the foundation of your home.
Keep leaves, branches and other debris away from the foundation of the home.
Keep (and trim) all shrubs/bushes away from the foundation of the home.
Eliminate any standing water.
Maintain good air circulation in basements and crawl spaces.
Repair any leaky plumbing or drainage system.
Stack and store firewood off the ground and away from the home.
Keep and maintain any wood to soil ground contact around the home. Some examples might be: basement window trim and frames, flower planters, etc.
Taking these precautions with annual monitoring/inspection by a license pest control person, will help prevent insect damage.
Radon in Air
Outdoors of radon levels are usually low. However, in an enclosed space such a basement or crawl space in a home, radon can increase to a high and dangerous level. Exposure over a long time can increase your risk of cancer especially if you smoke.
Radon gas can enter a home in a variety of ways such as cracks in foundations, sump pumps, drains, etc. High levels of radon can be found anywhere, and have been found in many areas of Connecticut.
To learn more about radon see https://www.epa.gov/radon .
A radon in air test safeguards yourself and your family from this gas and can be perform before or after you purchase you home.
Water Analysis
Many homes depend on private wells for their source of water. This water comes from rain and snow that seeps into the ground forming what is called an aquifer. An aquifer is an underground water supply for wells.
Most groundwater is safe for human use but may contain some natural and man-made contaminants. Natural contaminants could include iron, magnesium, chlorides, arsenic, etc. Man-made contamination could come from a variety of sources such as leaky oil storage tanks, septic systems, fertilizers, road treatments for snow, etc.
To learn more about well water see https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topics
To ensure water is safe for use, a water analysis report is vital. Water samples are collected and send to a lab to be analyzed for chemical, color, and odor contaminants. Results are normally returned in 3 - 5 business days. Contact the lab where the report was performed for further information about your report.
Further evaluation by a well contractor may be needed/desired to correct any water issues that may occur.
Also, annual testing/monitoring of your system by a licensed well contractor is recommended.
Water Flow and Pressure Testing
Testing the flow and pressure of your water supply will give a general determination of your water output. It can help determine if additional well or water sources are needed to meet your daily water needs (washing clothes, taking showers, running an irrigation system) or to manage your water supply. Water flow and pressure testing will establish gallons per minute (GPM) and pounds per square inch (PSI). Normal water flow and pressure should be maintained at approximately 3-5 GPM and 40-60 PSI​.
If further action is needed/desired consult with a licensed water contractor.
Septic Inspections
A properly designed, constructed and maintained, septic system can provide many effective years of disposal and treatment of wastewater from your home.
There are four basic components of your on-site septic system:
1) A sewer line which carries the waste from the home to a holding area, called a septic tank.
2) The septic tank which stores the waste material and properly disposes of liquids into what is called a distribution box.
3) The distribution box (commonly called a “D-box”) uniformly distributes these liquids into a leaching field system.​
4) The leaching field. This field consists of pipes, trenches, leaching pits, beds or specially engineered galleries which help purify the liquids by filtration through the surrounding area. A poorly maintained system can be costly. A malfunctioning system can contaminate groundwater and soil around your home.​
There are many ways to maintain your septic system. Here are just a few:
Have your system inspected and your tank pumped out by a licensed septic contractor every 3 to 5 years depending on the size and type of your system.
Use water efficiently.
Do not dispose of any household hazardous waste or chemicals in sinks or toilets.
Never drive or park vehicles over the septic system. This could compact the soil, damaging and/or crushing the system.
Do not plant trees or shrubs over your septic system.
Keep any roof drains, basement sump pumps discharges, etc. away from the leaching fields. Flooding of this area might slow down or thwart the treatment process and can cause waste discharge to back up into your home.
If you have a septic system, it is recommended to have a licensed septic contractor maintain and correct any issues annually.
To learn more about septic systems see: https://www.epa.gov/septic
​Final Walk-Through
Rest assured, Homewood Inspections Inc., will even be with you at the time of the final walk-through, or before you purchase your new home.
A final walk-though inspection will assure you:
Any/all requested repairs have been completed.
A second look at the home you are buying. Sometimes during an inspection, certain parts of the home are inaccessible due to storage, parked cars in garage, or over cluttering. A second look at your home will allow you an unhindered view of your new property.
Retesting of components, such as the heating or air conditioning units.
Any additional questions you may have will be answered. An example might be in case of emergency, where is the main electrical shut off switch to the furnace located?
Annual Home Monitoring
Yearly home inspections can be scheduled to keep your home in the best possible condition and to alert you to any possible home repairs before they become costly.
Annual inspection/monitoring is your best defense. Any repairs that might need to be performed on your home can be brought to light before they become critical. This can give you time to prepare financially before repairs are needed.
Home Consulting
Whether you have questions about your home inspection report, if you are buying a home for the first time, if you need general consulting for your home remolding/additions plans, or if you are selling your home, Homewood Inspections can help.
After the purchase of your new home, are still not sure about your home or any part of it? Either because of a lack a full home inspection, or questions left unanswered.
Need Computer Aided Drafting and Designs (CADD) ?
Homewood Inspections will give you the best possible experience.
Contact me by leaving a message here. I will get back to you as soon as I can.